メッセージセンター MC200243
以下はメッセージセンターのMC200243の内容です。タイトルは「New Feature: Enhanced scheduling experience in Teams」です。
We’re updating Microsoft Teams with an enhanced scheduling experience.
- We will roll this feature out in mid-February 2020.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 54364.
How does this affect me?
We are replacing the existing scheduling form with a new form that retains all existing scheduling functionality. The new form provides an improved view of available time; allows changing event information from the scheduling assistant tab; and includes an option for required and optional attendees. The new form also includes search within the location picker.

The new Teams scheduling form.
Additional features for organizers include:
- All day events: a new toggle converts meetings to an all-day event.
- Availability status: both people and location search provide a visual clue (red) to indicate non-availability.
- Cancellation with message: provides a message when cancelling an event if desired.
- Tabs in edit/view mode: tabs provide easy access to chats, meeting notes, files, scheduling assistant, and white board.
- Time zone picker: meeting schedulers can select the time zone they wish to use for the meeting; by default the form selects the system time zone.
Those invited to a meeting may choose whether to RSVP and, if so, to add a message to an RSVP if desired.
What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
There is no action you need to take to prepare for this change, but you might consider updating your user training and notifying your help desk.
