メッセージセンター MC203670
以下はメッセージセンターのMC203670の内容です。タイトルは「Updated Feature: Teams Channel Cross posting」です。
Your end users will soon be able to edit the content and channel distribution of a Microsoft Teams message after it has been posted. This feature does not apply to mobile.
- We’ll be gradually rolling this out the end of February 2020.
- The roll-out will be completed by mid-March.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 60946.
How does this affect me?
When using the Teams desktop app or Teams on the web, your users will see an option to edit a message and change how it has been cross-posted.
- Edit content: edit the message content and that change will cascade to all selected teams and channels.
- Add a new channel: a user can add new channels for an existing channel message, including those messages that were not cross-posted initially.
- Remove a channel (recall): a user can also remove the message from a channel that she had initially selected.
Select multiple channels for a message
What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
There is no action you need to take to prepare for this change.