メッセージセンター MC220429
以下はメッセージセンターのMC220429の内容です。タイトルは「Device tagging functionality in Teams admin center」です。
The Device Management module in the Teams admin center will soon allow you to group, organize, and more easily manage the devices you’ve deployed in your organization by creating device tags.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 66922.
When this will happen
We will begin rolling this out in mid-August and expect it to be complete the end of August.
How this will affect your organization
Within the Microsoft Teams admin center, you will be able to create, assign, and delete tags to devices you have deployed. You can add one or more tags to devices, use filters to view devices that match the tag you specify, and then perform actions the devices that have that tag.
Tags will also be available as a filter option, thus allowing you to select devices associated with a particular tag.
What you need to do to prepare
Review the documentation and assess how this might help you manage Teams devices in your organization.

Teams PhoneやTeams Roomsやコラボレーションバー等のデバイスを多数設置している会社はデバイスタグを使用することでフロア毎や拠点毎にデバイスタグを作成すると管理しやすくなりそうですね。