


メッセージセンター MC195905


以下はメッセージセンターのMC195905の内容です。タイトルは「New Feature: Sensitivity Labels for Teams」です。

We are pleased to announce the public preview for Sensitivity Labels for Teams. Sensitivity Labels can be prescribed at a tenant level and when applied to a Team can regulate the public/private settings that can be selected by the user creating the Team. Furthermore, the labels can also regulate whether Teams created by any user in the tenant can have guest access or not.

  • Rolling out in mid-November
  • Roll out to be complete by the end of December

This enhancement is related to Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 57275

How does this impact me?

As an admin, you can now decide if you want to turn on Sensitivity Labels for Teams. Please refer to the following details on how to turn on the feature for your tenant: Sensitivity labels for Microsoft Teams

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?

There is nothing you need to do to prepare for this change but may want to update training and documentation as appropriate.

Please click Additional Information to learn more about Sensitivity Labels as well as how to enable the feature.


  • 機密ラベルのパブリックプレビューを発表。
  • 機密ラベルはテナントレベルで設定できる。
  • 機密ラベルによりチームを作成する時のパブリック・プライベートの選択を制限できる。
  • 機密ラベルによりゲストアクセスを許可するかどうかも制限できる。
  • 11月中旬に展開を開始し、12月末までに展開を完了する。



Microsoft Teams の秘密度ラベル - Microsoft Teams
秘密度ラベルを使用して Microsoft Teams でチームを保護する方法について説明します。


What kind of team will this be?  Sensitivity  Confidential  Teams with this sensitivity must be private.  Private  people need permission to join  Public  Org-wide  Everyone In your orqamzattcn automat:caliy 'O'n  Back  Learn more


What kind Of team will this be?  Sensitivity  General  Teams with this sensitivity must be public.  Privacy  Private  Public  Anyone in pur org can join  Org-wide  Everyone in your organization automatically joins  Back  x  Learn more


General  MY  posts  Files  Wiki  Add more people  Welcome to the team!  Here are some things to get going...  Create more channels  O Team Confidential  Open the FAQ  O


Edit "MyTeam" team  Collaborate closely with a group Of people inside your organization based on project, initiative, or  common interest. Watch a quick overview  Team name  MyTeam  Description  Sensitivity  Confidential  Teams with this sensitivity must be private.  Privacy  Private - Only team owners can add members  . Change setting  This team is searchable and discoverable  Cancel  Done



YIJ-Ä  November  CY2019  Microsoft Teams - Sensitivity Labels  Regulate who can access teams in your organization. Sensitivity labels created in the  security and compliance admin center can now be used to control the privacy and guest  access settings of the team. Users can select the appropriate label when creating a new  team.  Featured ID: 57275  Added to Roadmap: 11/1/2019  Last Modified: 11/1/2019  Tags: Preview, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Microsoft Teams  In  development  55  Preview  Worldwide  (Standard  Multi-  Tenant)  Microsoft  Teams




チーム単位でゲストアクセスを許可したいという要望を聞くこともありますが、従来はAzure AD Premiumが必要でした。

所有者を現場に委任してしまうと勝手に変えられてしまいますが、所有者をIT部門で制限している運用であれば、Azure AD Premiumがなくてもゲストアクセスをチーム単位で許可できるようになりそうです。
