メッセージセンター MC202761
以下はメッセージセンターのMC202761の内容です。タイトルは「Feature Update: App setup policies in Microsoft Teams」です。
As announced in MC173960, February 2019, we introduced app setup policies to manage 1st and 3rd party apps. We are enhancing this functionality to now allow users to pin their favorite apps to their Teams app bar.
- We’ll be gradually rolling this out beginning at the end of January 2020.
- The roll-out will be completed by the end February.
A group of tenants’ users received this feature ahead of this notification. We apologize for not meeting our commitment for timely notice as we continue the roll-out to achieve a consistent experience for users.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 56783.
How does this affect me?
Users will be able to customize the left rail App Bar in their Teams clients should you choose to leave the feature enabled.
- This feature applies to all Teams clients, mobile and desktop.
- Your users will be able to override your pinned apps settings, if you have customized the left rail.
Note that this update does not change any policy setting, only the user experience.
What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
This feature ships On by default so you will want to review your settings to ensure they are appropriate for the experience you require.
If you wish to turn this feature Off, visit Teams Setup policies in the Microsoft Teams admin center.
Change the “Allow user pinning” toggle from On to Off.

You might consider updating your user documentation and alerting your help desk. Learn how to find and add apps to Teams.


Microsoft Teams管理センターで「Teamsのアプリ」の「セットアップポリシー」でポリシーをクリックします。
