


メッセージセンター MC210451


以下はメッセージセンターのMC210451の内容です。タイトルは「Microsoft Teams 1:1 Convenience Recording is now available」です。

Convenience Recording is now available」です。

We are excited to officially announce the release of Microsoft Teams 1:1 Convenience Recording. Users will now be able to record their 1:1 calls, just like meetings and group calls. We have worked to ensure that the experience in recording 1:1 calls remain consistent to what is already available in meetings and group calls. We apologize for not communicating sooner and we are making improvements in our processes to ensure future announcements come out in a timelier manner.

How does this affect me?

User can now initiate recording on 1:1 Teams calls by:

  1. Start or join a 1:1 call
  2. Select More options (…) > Start Recording
  3. Both persons in the call will receive a notification that the call is being recorded
  4. To stop the recording: Select More options (…) > Stop Recording
  5. The recording is then processed and saved to Microsoft Stream
  6. An email will be sent to the person who started the recording once the recording is available and a link to the recording will be posted in the 1:1 chat

This feature is controllable via the AllowCloudRecording attribute within the -CsTeamsMeetingPolicy policy which is the same policy that controls meetings and group call recordings. The team is actively working on releasing a new policy/attribute to independently control 1:1 call recordings, we expect to roll this out in the very near term and will communicate via Message center when it is available.

Known Limitations:

  • 1:1 Convenience Recording is not available for every 1:1 call. Calls made between Teams clients are recordable. Calls to/from land lines / mobile lines and calls between Teams and Skype for Business / Skype for Consumer cannot be record.
  • When a 1:1 call is being recorded and additional participants are added to the call, the message with the link to the recording is sent to the original 1:1 chat room.
  • As a work around until this issue is resolved, users will need to manually share the link with all other participants

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?

Review your existing AllowCloudRecording attribute within the -CsTeamsMeetingPolicy policy and be aware that toggling on/off meeting/group call recordings will also affect 1:1 Convenience Recording.


  • 1対1の通話のレコーディング機能をリリースしました。
  • Teams会議やグループ通話と同様に1:1の通話をレコーディングできるようになりました。
  • 電話との通話や、Skype for Business/Skype for Bonsumerとの通話はレコーディングできません。
  • 1対1の通話がレコーディングされている時に参加者が追加されると、レコーディングへのリンクは最初に開始したメンバーの1:1のチャットに作成されます。追加したメンバーには手動でリンクを共有する必要があります。










