


メッセージセンター MC196069


以下はメッセージセンターのMC196069の内容です。タイトルは「Updated Feature: New Location of New Chat button」です。

We’re changing the location of the New Chat button, and moving the Contacts and Recent view options to a drop down in the Chat list header, as opposed to standalone tabs.

• Rolling into general availability all customers late November, and the roll out will be completed mid-December.

This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 58033.

How does this affect me?

The New Chat button will now be located at the top of the chats list. This means that you’ll only be able to access it from the Chat app, as opposed to any app (e.g. Teams, Calendar, etc). The shortcut Ctrl + N (CMD + N for Mac) will continue to work the same way as before.

The options to toggle between Recent view and Contacts view in the Chat app will now be located in a drop down on the title/header of the chat list.

Current experience:

New experience:

Chat v  Chat  Contacts  9:17 AM

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?

You don’t need to do anything, but may consider updating your user training, and notifying your helpdesk.


  • 「新しいチャット」ボタンの場所を変更する。
  • チャット画面の「最新」と「連絡先」の切り替えをドロップダウン方式に変更する。
  • 11月下旬に展開を開始し、12月中旬に展開を完了する。(アップデート:3月中旬に展開を開始し、4月中旬に展開を完了する予定に変更されました。)
  • チャット画面以外からは「新しいチャット」ボタンを使えなくなります。
  • ショートカットのCtrl+Nで新しいチャットを始められますが、このショートカットはどの画面からも使えます。



IJIJ-Ä  November  CY2019  Microsoft Teams - New location for New Chat button, Recent, and Contacts tabs in Chat  app  We're changing the location of New Chat button, and moving the Contacts and Recent  view options to a drop down in the Chat list header, as opposed to standalone tabs. The  New Chat button will now be located at the top of the chats list.  Featured ID: 58033  Added to Roadmap: 11/16/2019  Last Modified: 11/16/2019  Tags: General Availability, Microsoft Teams, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  In  development  General  Availability  Microsoft  Teams  Worldwide  (Standard  Multi-  Tenant)




