




メッセージセンター MC192383



We are launching live captions for Teams meetings.

  • We’ll be gradually rolling this out to customers in early November.
  • The roll out will be completed worldwide by the end of November.

This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 52817.

How does this affect me?

This feature improves the accessibility of Microsoft products.

Live captions give participants another way to follow a conversation. They can make your meeting more inclusive to participants who are deaf or hard of hearing, participants with different levels of language proficiency, and participants in loud places.

This default policy ensures only that live captions feature will be available to end users in the … menu. Live captions will not turn on automatically for end users. Attendees will need to select “Turn on live captions(preview)” from the … menu to enable live captions on for their meeting.

In addition, we are changing the EnabledUserOverride setting created and tested during our Technology Adoption Program. Any instances of or calls to EnabledUserOverride will result in the use of DisabledUserOverride.

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?

This user option is enabled for your tenant by default via the DisabledUserOverride policy.

  • If you want to disable the option of live captions for Teams meeting attendees, run this command in PowerShell: PolicyName -LiveCaptionsEnabledType Disabled>
  • If you want to re-enable the option of live captions for Teams meeting attendees, run this command in PowerShell: PolicyName -LiveCaptionsEnabledType DisabledUserOverride>
  • Where PolicyName is any custom policy you may have created. Global would refer to tenant-wide global policy.

We will be treating the EnabledUserOverride value for the setting in the same way as DisabledUserOverride (if set in existing Policies). Admins are encouraged to modify policies with EnabledUserOverride set for the LiveCaptionsEnabledType setting to DisabledUserOverride to avoid confusion.

Learn more:


  • Teams会議のライブキャプション機能が実装されます。
  • 12月上旬から展開を開始し、12月中旬までに展開を完了します。(12/7アップデート。アップデート前は11月上旬から展開を開始し、11月末までに展開を完了する予定でした。)
  • 耳が聞こえない参加者や、騒がしい場所での参加者に対して有用。
  • 自動的にはオンにならず、エンドユーザーがメニューからライブキャプション機能をオンにする。
  • 機能を無効にすることもPowerShellで設定可能。





